Friday, November 10, 2017

Work Winding Down

Today has been a chill prelude to winter, with a biting wind adding to the low temperature. This is the last weekend that our sites are open to tourists, one final coda before we go on winter break. Normally, I would turn off the valve for our exterior drinking fountain, but the dropping mercury forced me to do so as soon as I arrived at work this afternoon. When Sunday evening rolls around, I will lock the auxiliary parking lots for the last time until April. Things get really quiet after the madness that is October.

Today has marked the beginning of the annual 'goodbyes' to the seasonal staff, exhortations to have enjoyable holidays and to get some rest in the off-season. I'm one of the elect, the full-time, year-rounders. I think I'm lucky, they think they are lucky- I can deal with the cold, with darkness, with discomfort... as much as I enjoy company, I actually value the coming months of peace and quiet.

Today is also the first really cold night of autumn, so a lot of my two-legged co-workers have been asking about Ginger's ability to cope with the cold. For the record, Ginger has a cozy cat-cave, a heat lamp, and a heated no-freeze bowl in her lair. For a working cat, she has a pretty cushy gig. For a working cat, I have a pretty cushy gig as well... now, let me put on a couple of more layers of clothing and head outside to inspect the premises.

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